
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Menu Plan for November 14-20

Two weeks of successful menu planning...can't stop now!  I am loving how easy this makes my week nights.  has anyone else started menu planning (if you weren't already)?  It's great, right?

I'm going to stop putting nights of the week and instead just put meals...I mean, y'all don't really want to know when I'm eating leftovers.  Sooner or later I need to start throwing in one new recipe a week as one reader suggested...maybe once I get a handle on all of my holiday projects!

Meal #1:  Steelhead and Roasted Potatoes with Dijon Sauce and Peas
Meal #2:  Veggie Chili and Cornbread
Meal #3:  Tuna and Artichoke Heart Melts with Tossed Salad
Meal #4:  Falafel with Pita and Greek Salad
Meal #5:  Veggie Scramble with Fried or Roasted Potatoes

It's a pretty simple line-up this week.  But I'm feeling pretty simple today.  I have a lot of items with beans and I am all out in my freezer, so each day I need to be cooking a different type of beans.  If you don't cook your own beans (and buy canned instead), consider trying it out.  It is so much cheaper and there is no sodium in home cooked beans (have you read the label on canned beans??).  Here's a how-to on A Year of Slow Cooking

Have a great week!

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