
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pinterest Fever

There has been a lot being said about Pinterest in the blogosphere of late.  Now I know why.  It is an addiction.  I may soon need to enter a 12 step program.  So, here's the know how you come across a tutorial that you love and you save it in your favorites toolbar along with a hundred other tutorials that you love...then you never bother looking through them because it is overwhelming?  Then Pinterest is for you!

You can categorize all of those different "favorites" along with an image from the you have a visual of all things at once.  How genius is that?  Here are a couple of examples that I have been playing with today.

This is on a pinboard of mine called "Things I Vow to Make."

The next one is my pinboard called "Good Food."  Strangely, there are mostly sweets on there.  Hmmm...

So, you can see that there are photos and links so when you are choosing your next meal, project, purchase, puppy, whatever, you can see them all side by side.  Amazing!

Here's the thing with Pinterest, you can only join by invitation.  If you would like me to invite you, please leave a comment with your email address or send me an email at littlebeanworkshop{at}hotmail{dot}com.  Don't blame me when you become an addict though!


  1. Pintrest sounds really cool-I'd love an invitation! My email is mvlouie99(at)yahoo(dot)com. Thanks so much!

  2. Hey Amy,
    How funny is this? I just made a Pinterest account for FaveQuilts ( this morning, and I went to your blog to see if I could find out if you were on Pinterest, and here's this whole post about it! I haven't completely figured out how to navigate the site yet. How do I find you on Pinterest?

  3. I'm going to start one of these's rainy, and I need something to do, right?
